Dr. S. B. Kadrekar
I am happy to read that the website of RCPR School is being launched on 15 th August. Congratulations ! I hope the website would be visited by Goans and could get the information and insight of the school. Very good effort. Good luck.
Dr. Sachin Tendulkar
"Ramanata Crisna Pai Raikar School of Agriculture will help to fill the gap of vocational skills in scientific agriculture. It will help Goan youth to reconnect to their land. The infectious vision of management of school to turn around the scenario of Goan agriculture will bear fruits soon. My best wishes." All the best.
Dr.J R Faleiro
It gives me great pleasure to know that Ramanata Crisna Pai Raikar School of Agriculture will soon be launching its web site. I thank you for doing the ground work, including donating your ancestral house to start the school which will surely benefit the youth and farmers of Goa.